Ulster Youth 22nd March 2025

Ulster Youth 22nd March 2025

Venue: St John Point. Killough
Hosted by Knock Motorcycle & Car Club
This event held under M.R.A., Motorcycling Ireland (Inc. Southern Centre), A.C.U., S.A.C.U. and Continental F.M.N. Licence holders. Competition Rules and Standing Regulations and Supplementary Regulations as have or maybe issued for the event. MRA (Ireland) Ltd permit no MRA/2025/012
IF YOU ARE FROM OUTSIDE IRELAND PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE MUST BE OBTAINED THROUGH YOUR FEDERATION BEFORE ENTERING OR PARTICIPATING IN AN EVENT. A copy of this insurance should be e-mailed to trevor.mcafee@live.co.uk immediately after completing this online entry.
In consideration for being permitted to participate in this event, I declare as follows:¬
INDEMNIFICATION. I have read the Standing Regulations, Supplementary Regulations (where applicable) and this Entry Form for the Youth Motorcycle Sporting Association Ltd or its organisers and agree to be bound by them in every respect. In the consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I agree to save harmless, keep indemnified and shall not seek claim against M.C.I, (southern Center or MRA Ireland LTD (including the owners or lessees of any land used for this meeting), the organizers and their respective officials, servants, agents or representatives from and against all action, costs, expenses and demands in respect of injury, loss of/or damage to the person or property of my rider, the rider in my care or myself (in respect of rider), their/my machine, myself (in respect of parent/guardian) or any persons attending this meeting at my invitation (as the case may be) howsoever caused arising out of/or in connection with us/me taking part in this meeting, and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence or breach of statutory duty of the said bodies, their officials, servants, representatives or agents.
Sat sign-on from 07:00 - 08:45 | Riders briefing 08:50 | practice approx. 09:00
It is a condition of admission that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or conduct of the meeting, including the owners of the land and the drivers and owners of vehicles and passengers in the vehicles, are absolved from all liability arising out of the accidents, howsoever caused, resulting in damage and/or personal injury to spectators.

1. I will satisfy myself (by sighting lap or otherwise) before taking part that the venue and track is acceptable to me with regard to its features and physical layout (unless prohibited to do so).
2. By taking part I accept the risks involved including the risk of injury or death.
3. I declare that I am competent to take part.
4. I declare that my vehicle is safe, complies with the regulations and is fit to use for the activity for which I have attended today.
5. I am aware and accept that other participants will be on the course at the same time.
6. I am not taking any drugs (prescribed or otherwise) that will impair my ability to take part.
7. I have read, understood and will comply with all track regulations, any supplemental regulations and final instructions for this event given by the organiser and/or venue owner.
8. If under the age of 18, my parent/guardian has read the above and signed opposite my name to confirm agreement with the declaration.
9. By Signing this Form you agree that should any damage be caused by any individual child or adult to any property associated with the event or neighbouring property the Club/Facility have your/our Full Permission to disclose your/our individual details to the persons concerned and you/we waive all GDPR Rights